Friday, June 27, 2008

Bhramin and Kshatryia


Enough with the American distrust of those who are brighter, more educated or skilled.

Enough with romantic notions of the Wild West, John McClane or the virtue of being street smart.

The people who change society, who improve lives, who make a difference belong to the Bhramin and Kshatryia castes. The rest of us are workers who need to get off our high horse and begin to listen. The country elected a man "who you could have a beer with" and we know where that has gotten us. It is time to appreciate those of the species who are talented, special, smart and just made of better genetic stuff than the rest of us. In other words, stop believing the delusion that yes, you too can formulate the Unified Theory if only that goddamn email you received from your boss wanting to know where the paper clip supply has disappeared to did not show up in your inbox.

Get over yourself.

Teachers, pilots, baseball players, great vocalists deserve more pay than you do. Teachers help the young become productive members of society, pilots help us arrive at destinations in one piece while controlling a marvel of technology, baseball players make a Saturday afternoon fun, and great vocalists change the mundane to sublime. Tell me, Mr. or Ms. Chip On Your Shoulder what exactly did you do today? Shuffle some papers from one side of the desk to another? Did you write a procedure that only complicates a situation? What contribution did you make today that really improved another person’s life?

It is not how hard you work, but how difficult the job is to accomplish that counts.

Chew on that for a while.

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